

KKP- HIRARC case study report, HIRARC definition report.
RC- double storey structure design report.
Foundation- summary journal report, pile and retaining structure assignment.
Technical writing- a surveying project report.
Building Service- Energy consumption of building project report, building cooling load project report.
PSM- technical paper, PSM1 report.
Engineering software - staad pro project, exteem project, primaverla report, HMS report.
IDP- whole report including sustainable design report, environment and water treatment design report, highway and traffic design report, structure design report, foundation design report,quantity survey report.

每个project几乎都要presentation. 这样算下去都有20 个report. 也就是每个礼拜最少都要弄好一两份才能跟得到脚步。 还没考虑test和quiz的温习时间,还有我做psm的project呢?

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